School Performances

WQ+ offers school concerts tailored specifically to the age and musical experience of the audience for primary and secondary school students. Performances, which can include Kodaly pedagogy, are engaging and energetic, showcasing favourite music from diverse styles and encouraging active student participation.

Outreach Performances

WQ+ offers an array of community outreach concerts. These performances can also feature a solo vocalist and can be held in non-traditional venues such as parks, libraries or aged care facilities. Concerts can be tailored for specific or mixed age-group audiences and are designed to bring the arts to local communities.

School Performances

WQ+ offers school concerts tailored specifically to the age and musical experience of the audience for primary and secondary school students. Performances, which can include Kodaly pedagogy, are engaging and energetic, showcasing favourite music from diverse styles and encouraging active student participation.

Outreach Performances

WQ+ offers an array of community outreach concerts. These performances can also feature a solo vocalist and can be held in non-traditional venues such as parks, libraries or aged care facilities. Concerts can be tailored for specific or mixed age-group audiences and are designed to bring the arts to local communities.

Masterclasses and Coaching

WQ+ offers solo instrumental masterclasses and chamber music coaching for students at primary and secondary schools and tertiary level.

Orchestra, Band and Wind Ensemble Sectionals

WQ+ can sit side-by-side with students during orchestra, band or wind ensemble rehearsals and/or conduct sectionals.

Masterclasses and Coaching

WQ+ offers solo instrumental masterclasses and chamber music coaching for students at primary and secondary schools and tertiary level.

Orchestra, Band and Wind Ensemble Sectionals

WQ+ can sit side-by-side with students during orchestra, band or wind ensemble rehearsals and/or conduct sectionals.

Band and Wind Ensemble Clinic

WQ+ offers a unique clinic for primary and secondary school bands and wind ensembles of all skill levels. After demonstrating and leading exercises for good musicianship and communication throughout the band, WQ+ shows students how to use the collaborative skills cultivated in the first half of the clinic by playing alongside band members and offering advice for improved listening skills and leadership within sections. The clinic is focused on finding a group sound together through exercises in breathing, movement, listening, and non-verbal communication.

Open Rehearsals

Students can see the ‘behind-the-scenes’ workings of a chamber music group. Q&A also included.

Composer Readings and Workshops

WQ+ are champions of music written by emerging composers and can hold reading sessions with student composers to workshop their music, addressing questions of composition, orchestration and instrumentation and providing constructive feedback.

Band and Wind Ensemble Clinic

WQ+ offers a unique clinic for primary and secondary school bands and wind ensembles of all skill levels. After demonstrating and leading exercises for good musicianship and communication throughout the band, WQ+ shows students how to use the collaborative skills cultivated in the first half of the clinic by playing alongside band members and offering advice for improved listening skills and leadership within sections. The clinic is focused on finding a group sound together through exercises in breathing, movement, listening, and non-verbal communication.

Open Rehearsals

Students can see the ‘behind-the-scenes’ workings of a chamber music group. Q&A also included.

Composer Readings and Workshops

WQ+ are champions of music written by emerging composers and can hold reading sessions with student composers to workshop their music, addressing questions of composition, orchestration and instrumentation and providing constructive feedback.

For more information or booking enquiries please write to:

[email protected]